Welcome to Allergy Hero

We’re so glad you’re here!

“Our mission is to remove the admin hassle of managing eczema, allergies so that you can focus on the little ones!”
David Gautier
Co Founder & Allergy Parent @Allergyhero
Hi, we’re Ros & Dave

The idea of Allergy Hero was borne after years of asking ourselves, “how can we make allergy and anaphylaxis management more useful, simple and effective in early childhood education and schools?”

You see, our daughter Anouk has multiple food allergies, including anaphylaxis. She also has severe eczema, which stubbornly flares up without any warning.
"Maple was the only provider that could support our growth ambitions."
Gianna Johnson
"Maple was the only provider that could support our growth ambitions."
Gianna Johnson
“Making an impact, together”

Like many parents of children with allergies and anaphylaxis, we found out the hard way after an emergency dash to the hospital when Anouk was only three months old. Several skin prick tests later revealed she was allergic to dairy, eggs and nuts.
In that first year, Anouk was with us all the time, so ensuring she did not come into contact with allergens was (relatively) easy. BUT when we both returned to work, our stress and anxiety reached peak levels. We’ll never forget her first day of childcare. Anouk had just turned 1. It was a stinking hot day in the middle of summer, and our anxieties about her eczema flaring up were at an all-time high. It was also the first time we handed over the responsibility of her allergy management to people we didn’t know. Our heads were filled with so many ‘what ifs’:
  • What if her eczema flares up? 
  • What if she accidentally eats or touches dairy and eggs?
  • What if she has an allergic reaction? Will she be treated in time? Will the staff know what to do?
The administrative side of managing Anouk’s allergies was a frustrating process and often added to our stress and anxiety. Over the years, we started talking to other parents/guardians and educators and ** with arms exasperated in the air**, we all had the same questions:
  • Why are we still relying on paper printouts for allergy/anaphylaxis plans and management?
  • Is there a faster and simpler way to communicate important allergy information without the hassle of back and forth emails, phone calls and face-to-face meetings?
  • How can staff quickly and confidently identify which children are at risk of anaphylaxis at any given time?
We specifically created Allergy Hero to address all of these questions. It’s a tool designed to make managing allergies easier through fast, efficient communication - ensuring that everyone has the right information, at the right time, in the one place. 

Our mission

Let’s work together to ensure the safety of every child at risk of allergies and anaphylaxis in early education and schools.

It’s super important to us that Allergy Hero is designed in collaboration with educators and families like yourself. Join our mission!

We love hearing from you! Drop us a message if you have any questions or just want to say hello.

We’ve wanted something like Allergy Hero to take the stress out of managing our daughter’s allergies and eczema in school. That’s why we created Allergy Hero - to better connect parents, educators and health professionals around eczema, allergy and asthma management
Roslyn Le Gautier
Co Founder & Allergy Parent @Allergyhero

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